2 Full Time Working Parents
2 Young Kids
Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping, Cooking
Laundry, Laundry, and More Laundry
Home Improvement Projects Galore
Too much to do, not enough time…This has become to “normal”
for us.
I started to feel that I wasn’t doing enough for “me.” I wanted to spend more time creating –
sewing, crafting, etc. I wanted to get
back into making things that make me happy.
Since watching television is not really rewarding to me,
I have decided to trade some time every day that I would have normally spent on
the couch. I decided on 20 minutes. 20 Minutes Every Day.
Initially 20 minutes didn’t seem like enough time to get
anything accomplished. But longer than
20 minutes seemed like a huge commitment to add to my already busy life. And I thought more about what I could really
complete in just 20 minutes. A couple of
seams? But if I did that every day, I
might have a completed project in a few weeks’ time. And
that would be one more completed project than when I started.
What if I wanted to make something other than a sewing
project? I decided that as long as I was
being productive doing something creative, to would count toward my 20 minutes.
This is my chronicle of my 20 minutes a day (or maybe
longer if time allows). Most of it will
be sewing, but once in a while I might sneak something else in. Maybe you will join me for the journey.